Lakshmi Johal-Dominguez, Orem:
"Thank you, Pat Shea, for being a truth-teller ("Utah: A beehive of corruption," Opinion, April 21). Last week, I heard Sen. John Valentine, R-Orem, give a legislative update, and what a noble spin he gave to the federal land-grab issue.
As a taxpayer, I want a list of the legislators and lobbyists who will make money if this "indefensible legislation" goes through. How many conflicts of interest, wrapped up in patriotism, are involved in this "fantasy claim" of state ownership of RS2477 roads?
I want a published list of the campaign contributions given in exchange for pushing this agenda. Which oil and gas companies will benefit? Which land developers and realtors will benefit? How much secret money will change hands behind closed doors?
How clever and corrupt to have us taxpayers foot the legal bill for a losing proposition! I’m with Shea — we need to get rid of the extremist poison of the connivers, the manipulators and the greedy.
We must elect responsible leaders to serve Utahns in a open and nonpartisan environment. Let’s remove those from office who think they can set up their personal financial kingdoms and "who believe that they alone know the truth of things...." (Read more? Click title)
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