Saturday, April 14, 2012

SandBox Utah: Salt Lake Tribune "Salt Lake City police website back up after hack attack "

 Cimaron Neugebauer:
"What took seven months of computer coding to build was destroyed in an afternoon by hackers, but the Salt Lake City Police Department’s website is back up and running with a new look and a slew of new safeguards.

In a welcome video from Salt Lake City Police Chief Chris Burbank posted at the chief said loss of the website for nearly three months didn’t inhibit police services, but rather communication with city residents...." (Read more?  Click title)

"Tracking stories and patterns in the news others make since 2010" 

1 comment:

WingMan said...

CISPA I just read up on over on the CO sandbox post you did. It will fail because once again they left it too open-ended trying to get all regulation for the internet in to it. The legislators and Morton need to sit down and first get an understanding of what they're trying to regulate. They just don't get it. Use something like CISPA for crazies like this that think they won't get caught hacking into police websites. Take it bigger for all foreign threats and national security threats. But the rest of serious I-crime needs to just get the laws we have stronger and then train cops to enforce them. Start slapping charges, fines and consequences onto any provider or site that doesn't have a human being watching over it. It is that simple.