Antonio Lujan:
"SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News) - The Latino population is at 17 percent in Salt Lake County and it continues to grow, but when it comes to their involvement in politics it is very limited. Latino organizations are reaching out to the minority population to encourage people to vote.
As a matter of fact, only 2 percent of Latinos in the county are voting.
Many say they don't get involved because many of their issues like immigration, have been ignored. However, there is a glimmer of hope. Recently, they've seen more Latinos running for office, and that has sparked new interest. "I think it's great Latinos have been given an opportunity to run for various positions, because it's good to have more options," said Juan Manuel Leon, a business owner. ..."
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"Tracking stories and patterns in the news others make since 2010"
What is this place? I take it we're not in Colorado anymore, Nanny.
This group sounds as suspicious as CIRC over our way. I have no problem with legal American latinos voting. Welcome and the more the better, just like anyone else.
What needs to stop, that won't stop until we enforce all law and secure the border is the illegal votes cast in our elections.
Not a legal American? You can't vote and you do not have a legit say in the law. More legal latinos need to spread the word that the rules have to be played by. Like Tony Martinez and his letter in your earlier post from Perry on the Standard-Examiner.
Glad to see the branching out has gone live for Utah and not surprised to see stories running parallel to what's going on in our neck of the country over in CO.
Will have to set up some alerts on these guys, see what's up.
We're not in Kansas anymore, toto.
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