Saturday, April 14, 2012

SandBox Utah: ABC 4 "Brent Hunsaker - What will an attack on Romney's Mormonism sound like?"

Brent Hunsaker:
" I have been beating this drum for a while. I know. Perhaps I should move on. But despite what the Obama campaign says, I continue to believe that Mitt Romney's Mormon faith will be savaged in the months ahead.

Wow, did I just agree with Orrin Hatch? Sort of. I do not believe the attacks will come directly from the President. Instead, they will be left to the likes of MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell.

These are comments O'Donnell made in a radio interview done the last time Romney ran for president. To read the entire interview, click here....." (Read the rest of what Hunsaker has to say?  Click title)

"Tracking stories and patterns in the news others make since 2010" 


WingMan said...

Now there, is something I hadn't thought about yet, Nanny.

What a Morman oriented state in the union is thinking watching all the hassling Mittens is getting over his faith.

Tx for this.

mack said...

This ought to be interesting. Never thought about how heavily populated Mormon states might be watching Romney because of his faith.

I disagree with Mr. Hunsaker. Obama won't hesitate to go after Romney on everything he's got. As conservatives, one (there're a lot more) of the biggest downsides to Romney is how weak his communication skills are. If he Santorum ups as veep, it will make that problem even worse because Santorum is a hot head. I think Newt would take anything he could get right now, even veep. It would be Mittens best bet and insure a win because Newt goes the distance up on the ropes. Which is exactly where democrats are going to put Romney as fast as they can. With a conservative base that has no confidence in him, he really needs to be thinking not about what he wants as a partner but what he needs in one. We have to win it before we can get anywhere.